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18 proizvoda
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Autor : Laurent Jullier
This is an introductory guide to the art of looking at and engaging with photography. A...
Cena 2.150,50 RSD
Ušteda 15%
2.530,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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How did renowned Michelin-starred chef Skye Gyngell establish a sustainable kitchen? Wh...
Cena 5.500,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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From the rugged shores of the North Atlantic to the tranquil waters of the tropics, Burkar...
Cena 8.360,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Roberto Koch
PhotoBox presents a collection of 250 photographs by 200 of the world’s most prominent ...
Cena 3.366,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
3.960,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Magnum Magnum showcases the best of Magnum Photos, celebrating the vision, imagination ...
Cena 16.446,65 RSD
Ušteda 15%
19.349,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Joel Sartore
Joel Sartore, on a mission to photograph all the animal species in human care, now deli...
Cena 3.973,75 RSD
Ušteda 15%
4.675,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : DK, Tom Ang
A comprehensive all-in-one guide, Photography introduces you to the art, history, and cult...
Cena 3.399,15 RSD
Ušteda 15%
3.999,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
Sačuvano u omiljne
Autor : Dale Wilson
Web-based stock photography has become one of the biggest income streams for photographers...
Cena 935,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
1.100,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Clement Cheroux
In this landmark photography publication and accompanying exhibition, Clement Cheroux demo...
Cena 2.805,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
3.300,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : David Yarrow
For two decades Yarrow has been venturing further and further afield in search of amazing ...
Cena 1.650,00 RSD
Ušteda 40%
2.750,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Albert Watson
In a series of bite-sized lessons Watson unveils the stories behind his most-famous shots ...
Cena 1.584,00 RSD
Ušteda 40%
2.640,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : David Bate
Arranged chronologically, legendary photographs are discussed alongside photobooks that re...
Cena 1.496,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
1.760,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Sorelle Amore
Do you want to improve your social-media profile? Learn how to express yourself through be...
Cena 1.100,00 RSD
Ušteda 50%
2.200,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Completely one-of-a-kind, NatGeo is a winning combination of expertly curated and favourit...
Cena 1.320,00 RSD
Ušteda 40%
2.200,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Stephen McLaren
Ambitious in scope, democratic in nature, Magnum Streetwise is an unmissable tour through ...
Cena 4.114,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
4.840,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Paul Lowe
A Chronology of Photography presents a fresh perspective on the medium by taking a purely ...
Cena 2.711,50 RSD
Ušteda 15%
3.190,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
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Autor : Ian Haydn Smith
The Short Story of Photography is a new and innovative introduction to the subject of phot...
Cena 2.057,00 RSD
Ušteda 15%
2.420,00 RSD
DOT Latinica
Sačuvano u omiljne
Autor : Willem Popelier
Perhaps you're new to the art of the selfie. Maybe the validation from Oxford Dictionaries...
Cena 742,50 RSD
Ušteda 50%
1.485,00 RSD
DOT Latinica