Šifra artikla: 353066
Isbn: 9788670932067
We can consider values as culturally objectified, abstract ideas of phenomena. Such ideas are of lasting significance to the satisfac-tion of needs of political subjects. These ideas are a subjective reflec-tion of the objective needs of social subjects; they express the subject’s attitude toward...  We can consider values as culturally objectified, abstract ideas of phenomena. Such ideas are of lasting significance to the satisfac-tion of needs of political subjects. These ideas are a subjective reflec-tion of the objective needs of social subjects; they express the subject’s attitude toward its own needs. Therefore, it seems right to call values ideas of needs. All values, whether they are ideas (models) of activities, or ideas of social relations, or abstract ideas, or specific objects which are needs in themselves, are according to this approach, ideas of needs. The last are ideas of needs in the strictest sense of the word. Therefore, they may be called primary values, for they serve an essential motivating function. Detaljnije
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Ušteda: 90,20 RSD
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We can consider values as culturally objectified, abstract ideas of phenomena. Such ideas are of lasting significance to the satisfac-tion of needs of political subjects. These ideas are a subjective reflec-tion of the objective needs of social subjects; they express the subject’s attitude toward its own needs. Therefore, it seems right to call values ideas of needs. All values, whether they are ideas (models) of activities, or ideas of social relations, or abstract ideas, or specific objects which are needs in themselves, are according to this approach, ideas of needs. The last are ideas of needs in the strictest sense of the word. Therefore, they may be called primary values, for they serve an essential motivating function.
        Trenutno nema komentara
        Karakteristika Vrednost
        Kategorija SOCIOLOGIJA
        Autor Ljubomir Hristić
        Težina specifikacija 0.5 kg
        Pismo Latinica
        Povez Broš

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